
Showing posts from April, 2007
I suddenly feel like going to China. I'm thinking about the what could-have-been if i did apply for the programme. Yeah, just feel like going back to my ''roots'' so called and just immersing myself in Chinese... the culture, everything! It is such a beautiful language, and I wish I was better at my Mother Tongue. (this has got nothing to do with ** btw, haha!) And I don't think i'll ever get the chance to do something like that in the future because this is my last holiday before working!


Ahhh! There are thieves in the library. Never thought people would be driven immoral during exam period and have the audacity to steal notes!!! Now, i'm so wary of leaving my stuff around. And i can't find out who did it, so irritatinggggg, they should have CCTV cameras. The thing is, how would the person know that I would be out of the library for long enough for him/her to take action ie, the person must have been watching me and saw me getting out of the library. Oh... schemeing. I should ask the girl who sits opposite me if she saw anyone taking my stuff. Pft! To prevent such further incidents from happening, I might have to lug my stuff out everyone i'm gone for long hours, that's soooo troublesome. Cos that would include lunch break. Or that's a risk I have to take for studying in the library. It didn't happen at all last year, so, perhaps i'm just unlucky huh. Woah, to think I thought I found my perfect area in the library to study. Anyway, cant belie

I am 21!

Yay! I'm 21! Just had a very lovely picnic/squate-down-on-the-floor-kampung style bbq at the park behind my house! Thanks to Michelle's idea! And i had alot of fun. And thanks to everyone who came for the food and the presents and just taking the time to come down cos we're all stressed by on-coming exams. Just makes everything that much sweeter! Yeah, and last night, when I came home, i thought everyone was sleeping already cos it was so dark and, surprise surprise! I had a birthday cake, yeah, my very blatant request for a black forest Paul cake came true! Thanks to my housemates :) :) :) Woah, I really got a shock! And to Miss Hui, you're the sole singapore representative in London, thanks for the presents babe! See ya in June! And my mum got me this really nice watch that i so adore, similarly good taste, Heh! Thank you mummy, love ya! Okae, i'm very tired now. I would love to post some photographs but my eyelids are drooping and I will do it next time. This blo
OMG! It's been 2 months since the last update. Thought i'd drop a note to say HELLO, i'm still alive and hope everyone's doing well! I was on the verge of abandoning this blog but knowing myself, I know there'd come a day when I'd actually feel a little urge to blog, and wala, took about 2 months... haha. Anw... i'm blogging because... i'm suffering from post-holiday depression. Germany was SO awesome, loved it, loved Berlin, loved the people and to anyone interested in going to Berlin, please stay at JETPAK City Hostel, it's the best hostel i've stayed in, VERY clean, good location, internet access, very nice and friendly staff, loved it. You're missing out if you don't stay there in Berlin, i swear!... Unless you're going for 4/5 star hotels. I met Yoke Pean and her friends and we so coincidentally booked the same hostel, took the same flights to and from Germany, so Mich and I were with them for most part of the trip, twas FUN FUN