Unpolished Gem

Sunday, September 10, 2006


I've decided to shut down this blog because.... i'm selfish and don't wanna share my life with you! hahah... just kidding. It's just that after a while, the novelty wears off once again, especially for someone like me who hardly completes what i set out to do without prompting. (blah.. end up talking about myself again! See See!) I've had enough of talking about myself! I always blog when i feel that there is something to be announced to everyone, but it can be so subjective and an inaccurate representation of my life and whenever i read blogs, i get this impression of this person and that person, you know those stereotypes and it's unhealthy. So, i guess i'd rather not say anything at all. The online world of blogging has always been a mystery to me and after one year, it hasn't become clearer to me at all. For me, it just feels good that i am actually writing for an intended audience and when people respond and for now, that's not reason enough to keep writing. Sometimes, i wanna slap my mind upside down for being such a practical person (where's the emotion baby! But do you wanna watch the tears flow? I sure can turn it on!) but anyways, i know this blog will be flushed down cyberspace in time to come anyway so no big deal ending it prematurely.

So, goodbye to my readers (the few of you, haha!). As this blog shuts down, many more are being set up, each with their own purpose, each finding a voice in the scary world of the internet. I guess there are other avenues to channel this little bit of extra energy to blog, like exercising maybe ( when your mother starts saying you're fat/look like jin1 san3 shun4/advises you to eat less prata (MOCK HORROR!), that must be a problem!)

Growing up can be such a pain isn't it! But growing up in an environment such as mine cannot be said to be a pain at all. That would be insensitive to the people around me and disrespectful to my parents who have given up so much for us. And i can see why no love is greater than a parents love for their child. Someday, i wanna be a Mummy too (AH! I'm not going into this maternal instinct thing again! Hell, i'm only Twenteen (Vee, you're our trendsetter!) I guess being an Aunty first is a good start? When i see the look on my sis and her boyfriend's face whenever a cute baby passes... i almost imagine a pregnant sis, bloated cheeks and all...)

So... after blabbering so much, all i want to say is, although we're at a junction of our lives, grappling with issues of insecurity, treading the fuzzy line between teenhood and YOUNG adulthood, it is important to enrich our lives in a meaningful way. Wah lao eh, a finale speech has morphed into another one of those "self-discovery" ones. (As if you'll didn't already know that right!) Yucks!

So, anyway, life is good good good! You can wish for alot of things (like for Jonathan Leong to sing a lullaby to you everynight, swoons), to be richer, to be prettier to be more popular among your peers but man can never be satisfied. It's just like branded goods. When you've attained a certain degree of wealth, you'd willingly spend on your Zara's and Topshop'
s etc but are you satisfed? Your eyes start to get attracted to those luxurious fur coats, decked stylishly on the mannequins beyond the glass panels and often beyond your reach too.

I was just wondering why on earth do people wanna pay up to 15k to these motivational gurus to speak! It's ridiculous! Live your life the way you want it to be led! With that, i'm starting off year 2 on a sprightly note, living my dreams, finding my feet 6754 miles away from home. And i hope you would too!

P/S: Pardon the many a time cringe-worthy factor of this post please! Just had to vomit all these words out. It's the final entry, after this, no more unpolishedgem crap!


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