Unpolished Gem

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day!

group photo

chocolates! Look at the teeth marks. WOah... my favourite!!!

EMCEES! Isn't what i'm wearing familiar. Haha. Eh, first time i tried putting on make up for myself... hahah! except for the eyeshadow which Yibing helped me with. Haha!

I am no romantic but oh wells.. spread the love! Happy friendship day ! Haha, what a sad v-day spent having rehearsals and back in hall eating INDOMEE for dinner. Haha, and thats not the worst thing, have to start writing essay. Bah. Oh well, yeah, i'm gonna eat this very nice chocolate that i got from hwachong night. But i can't really bear to eat it! Can't believe someone and it's a guy actually MADE the chocolate! Here's a picture of it, i know it looks like hmmm.. sthg not very appetizing, but it's DAMN nice. I swear, it's like the kind of standard u expect from Godiva. It's heavenly! I'm trying to contact that guy, cos i want to marry him. Hahahhahaha, no, i just want the recipe cos its so damn nice, there's like some wine taste and.. argh.. its just SO good.

Oh, and before i forget to announce. I'm in a single room now. Yes, a SINGLE room. By a strange turn of events. Woohoo!

Alrightey, here are some pictures of hwachong night. Im too lazy to upload, just a few.

Oh, and did u know... was supposed to go for the ma ying jeou talk. BUT... it was full house like almost 3 hours before he was scheduled to give the talk!! and i thought i could get in just by being 15 min early. Damn!! But, well, i did see him walk past.. hahah and it was damn funny cos there were girls (OUR AGE) shouting Jeou-ge Jeou-ge... hao shuai oh! WERT!!! I know he's charming lah, but quite disturbing to idolise someone the age of your father right. Yeah, like pop idol, lots of cameras flashing and screaming girls. Amusing. Haha. Luckily they put up the transcript of his talk. Too popular he is. Alright, my essay is seriously screwed, i don't have time!!!


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