Unpolished Gem

Friday, January 27, 2006

Chinese New Year away from home...

AH! Chinese New Year is coming! And... to kick off the festivities, i'll be going for a CNY dinner at Chinatown later, followed up by a hall steamboat on Saturday followed by another steamboat (thanks to Kahmei's kind invitation! Another steam boat, hurrah!) Yeah, no angpows! The closest i got to tasting Chinese New year food was just now at Andre's place where i had mini bahkwas and shrimp rolls! And Jiawei and Watson made pineapple tarts, can u believe it and it tasted great! Not bad.. FLorrine and i are going to attempt making tang yuan and almond jelly.. her idea, so ambitious! i'm not in the least bit confident, but you never know how wonderful it might turn out (DONT CHUCKLE!) Anyway, my father said he'll keep the ang-pow money for me... like anyone will give me since i didn't go to their house to bai4 nian2 right?!?! Hope the next few days of eating will be fun!

Anyway, first week into our intensive rehearsal and i'm tired man! Coming home late at night, and of course the business challenge which took up so much of our time over the past 2 weeks, The final product's pretty good, really hope we'll get into the finals! And with another essay and presentation looming, i'm gonna run out of steam! Nono... I can't! I won't! So funny... we just came up with the script for Hwachong night and it sounded really hilarious, hopefully it'll hit the right buttons. Ah.. it's chinese New year! First time i'm not spending it with family and for the next two years too.. Booo, it's okae. I remembered last year was complaining about not feeling Into the mood for chinese new year, maybe it ain't that bad missing it huh. I'm consoling myself!

Haha, oh yeah, i got this 50 pound job next week and our "client" is giving us an extra 30 pounds to buy an oriental top which we can keep afterward! So nice right, ah, so excited about getting the top. Apparently, our "client" is this big shot, so all the guests that night are like super high corporate fliers. Oh no, so stressful, so scared i'll spill the drinks or food over some lady's expensive white dress. Knowing how clumsy i am... Please, bless me with steady hands for a day.

Okae, Happy Chinese New Year everyone! Gong xi Fa cai! xue ye jing bu, wan shi ru yi, shen ti jian kang, tian tian kai xin! ENjoy the new year goodies and remember to exercise afterwards. Haha ;)


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