Unpolished Gem

Sunday, October 09, 2005

better blog before get hantamed

hello! i apologise for the lack of updates! Just that everytime i want to update, something crops up... eg looking for answers online for math etc etc or chatting on msn. Anyway, it's been almost a week since mummy left, and guess what, i'm really adapting to life here now... like fish to water.. okae or maybe... like toddlers to walking (bad analogy but you get the idea! taking baby footsteps, tripping sometimes but that's fine).

Yesterday, i went up to Birmingham with uncle and Allison(my newfound friend) Along the way, we went to Oxford which was nice. Wouldnt say i was overawed by the place but it was very pretty... away from the hustle and bustle of London alas. We kind of saw where Harry Potter was filmed ( u know in episode 1 when they were learning how to fly QUidditch). And we caught the Oxians rowing down Thames... that was interesting! They have so much space gosh while we're so squeezed in London! And we went to Uni of Birmingham as well.. uncle was so excited lah... taking photos everywhere, differnt angles etc etc.. his alma mater... haha, they have indoor swimming pools and all those good sports facilities which we're sorely lacking. Can't be more jealous! We drove all the way which was way cooool, when we were returning to the hotel at night, driving along the expressway at 160km/h (uncle's a really good driver!), the street lights weren't on, they just had reflectors on the road, like driving on the airport runway. That was so fun lah... felt so surreal... it was dark and the trees lining the road were like shadows. It was a good trip out of London, really appreciate it Uncle! U might be reading this, so thanks again :)

Anyway, tonight, i met him for dinner at Bayswater, at this Indian restaurant... authentic Indian restaurant, was great. Im really lucky to be eating good food here..! With the lack of excercise.. i can see where the freshers 15 pounds is going to come from.

School's been pretty slack so far, slightly busy here and there. I want to make more foreign friends but its kinda hard! We'll see how it goes ...I joined modern dance( gasp! stop laughing!) but haven't gone for any lessons yet. And of course singsoc. Should i run for singsoc?? haha. Was thinking of going for yoga as well.. hmm and i'm most probably going to play badminton tmr... hey! i'm going to train hard over here okae! Not sure if should join singsoc netball, but my netball sucks so badly...

Did grocery shopping with Steph just now.. we bought lots of stuff to cook, and we're both rather health conscious which helps alot!!! So happy we have no problems getting along :) Good to have a room mate, so it's not so claustrophobic and lonely when u're in the room.

Anyway, i've decided not to post pictures up here anymore! Instead, i'll send like the best photos as an email attachment to you guys. It's too leceh to post it up here!

It's been like a dream so far. There were nightmares, but there were goodmares as well. Living such a different life now, but i'm beginning to see the reason why i came here in the first place. In the first 2 weeks... it was like regret, but now, i see some light. I do hope to make more friends( great friends like u guys :) and enjoy the short time i'll be here. It's been 3 weeks but it feels as if i've been here for so long! There's so much to do here but so little time as always. Thanks for the support you guys, keep bugging me to update, haha! U guys want to hear exciting stuff like whether there are cute guys? Ha, but seriously, i'm still in no mood for that (= the mood will come soon soon), no one has caught my eye YET. Ha, enough of crap. Take care in Singapore, i miss that place so much, it feels so faraway now like i remember how Singapore looks like in every aspect but the feeling's just so distant. Like, i can't imagine physically being at home.

Right, finally updated. Dont' stop visiting my blog okae. Advice is to check once between 5 to 7 days. Haha! You can't get anymore thick-skinned than this can you?


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