
Showing posts from September, 2006


I've decided to shut down this blog because.... i'm selfish and don't wanna share my life with you! hahah... just kidding. It's just that after a while, the novelty wears off once again, especially for someone like me who hardly completes what i set out to do without prompting. (blah.. end up talking about myself again! See See!) I've had enough of talking about myself! I always blog when i feel that there is something to be announced to everyone, but it can be so subjective and an inaccurate representation of my life and whenever i read blogs, i get this impression of this person and that person, you know those stereotypes and it's unhealthy. So, i guess i'd rather not say anything at all. The online world of blogging has always been a mystery to me and after one year, it hasn't become clearer to me at all. For me, it just feels good that i am actually writing for an intended audience and when people respond and for now, that's not reason enough to

I wish i wish i wish...

... i paid more attention during Mrs. Quek's Social Studies lessons, especially the chapters on Venice. You know, i've been to so many beautiful places in Europe and it's such a shame that i know so little about the history of these places. It's as if there's a hole missing somewhere in my heart. I look at all the photographs of these places and it's just so beautiful, i wonder why i didn't heed my uncle's advice to read up on the history of these places before i went. Especially for Italy and France, both such beautiful countries ... like literally bursting with history and culture. There is no time for regrets is there? But in the next two years, i promise i'll read up on those countries that i'm going to before leaving. Or do you realize what you've missed out on only after seeing that such beauty actually exists and you're fortunate enough to have been there? I will also try to take nicer pictures, i'm so horrible at these! ie, le

Fry away...

I think late nights are so totally suited for reflecting... accompanied with Jay Chou's Ye4 Qu3 on replay for the tenth time. Haha, probably the only thing that could get me to sit down and write again. I've always admired people who could effortlessly translate their thoughts into words... i can only conjur up a garbled mess of incoherent random bits of my life, stopping short at writing it out... which kinda SUCKS. Haha! But i will try not giving up on this little space, cos i suspect i'll be much more compelled to update than now, where everything is just so familiar, so easily within reach and so Singapore. It's been two months since coming back... sure doesn't feel that long! 3 weeks to London and i think everyone's getting more excited about leaving already which is a good thing! Had my fair share of fun, sun, abs-inducing laughter, catching up with my dearest friends, eating, basking in the love of mummy and daddy dearest and my sisters even though someti